On the level

We finished the fence (and gates) this week, and can move on to garden projects!

A plan had formulated while we fenced in the space, and was plotted on graph paper.  But, since I'm a bit spatially challenged, I built a few of the raised-bed frames first so I could move them around and better envision how things will work together.  

My original garden layout is quite tightly packed, so I am aiming for wider paths and breathing room.  Eventually there will be four beds here, with more to come along the fence line.

My main goal with staging the bed layouts this week is to see how they will relate to this:  the future hoop!

As you've probably noticed by now, our property is not particularly level in any way--another reason graph paper is not the best way for me to visualize the plan!   Over the last several weeks, I've been clearing sod and turning over soil, and today we worked on leveling the hoop base. 
The hoop base is 10 X 12, with long beds a few inches wider than 3 feet.  Also to come is a third bed across the back, which should make up for growing space lost in the center.  I just really wanted to be able to reach into the beds, and also have enough room for a seat for wintertime sun therapy!  Also--there will be some extra space to set flats and containers. 

On the left (South, and facing the front of the yard) will be a cold frame, which will take advantage of the drop in elevation, and act somewhat as a retaining wall.  It should benefit from the reflected heat and light from the hoop. 

More to come....

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  1. Oh, a hoop house! I want one of those! And I perfectly understand and commiserate with the non-level land! Our chicken coop foundation had a foot difference between one wall and the other. Ah, the fun of digging out hillsides. But admit it- we love it!

  2. YAY!

    fwiw this weekend we're putting up a goat shed in the ONLY unlevel area of the property. Grrr. Goats like hills, right?

    You'll be surprised how quickly the hoop goes up compared to all your fence and other ground work. THat'll make you feel great.

  3. 10 x 12 is a good size, you will be amazed at what you can grow in there. Are you using a kit or DIYing it?

    A slope can be a pain, but on the up side (hee hee) it will drain more readily.

  4. Judy: I guess we should be used to it by now, but I'm not fond of mowing it! :)

    El, thanks for all of your sage advice :) Goats are a good use of a hilly spot, I think. I've imagined some kind of two story chicken coop with a walk out loft....

    Ali: We got a kit for the hoop, we do a lot of stuff from scratch (the fence, for example) so decided for once to go with someone else's plan. We'll see how it goes!


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