on a roll

My garden is starting to roll. It's so fun to have the range of veggies at this point in the season--everything from the end of early spring crops, to the start of high summer produce. I had to spend a bit of time dealing with excess last night, but I am mostly caught up. I realize that means we are officially harvesting more that we can eat on a given day!

Last week I finished the master gardener program for my county. So this week I started volunteering at a local public garden. Boy was that fun--there is something cool about working in a much larger scale than you can at home. Plus--the theme at the garden this year is edible landscaping, so I had the privilege of participating in a mass planting of artichokes, ornamental peppers, and cabbage. As you can imagine I was thrilled with the project!

I realized another benefit of gardening this morning. I only did a two-hour slot of work there, but we got so much done! I grumpily mentioned that I couldn't manage to accomplish as much in my own yard all week, and D joked that maybe I have a productivity limit of two hours. He had a point, and today I jumped in with a specific project: pull out those peas! And you know, I worked about two hours, got a ton accomplished (a lot more than just the peas) and I feel great.

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